Graduate Project

Estimating software costs from IDEF/CPN designs

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  • Software development has been characterized by severe schedule slippage, cost overrun and the inability of the developer to estimate with acceptable accuracy the resources and schedule required early in the requirements analysis and functional design phase when critical investment decisions must be made. This estimation difficulty has emerged as one of today's most critical development problems leading to software crisis. Traditional estimation methods consistently produce optimistic results which contribute to the familiar cost overrun and schedule slippage. Several methods of estimations have been proposed so far with mixed and limited success. We present CoCoMo and Jensen cost estimation models, which can be used to estimate resource requirements, schedule and staffing profile. The effort and schedule estimates are based on the effective size of the proposed system, the complexity of the system, the available staff levels, and the developer's software implementation capabilities in the proposed environment. We designed and implemented a cost estimation program called MultiTool which accepts the modular design of a project and estimates the number of source lines of code, time, effort and cost of the project and produces a team topology and a schedule chart showing how the modules of a project have been scheduled among the team structure.
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