Graduate Project

Irrational Fear or Cause for Concern? The Effects of Hispanic Immigration on Crime Rates in Tucson, Arizona

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  • The popular perception, throughout the United States of America, is that there is a positive relationship between recent immigration and crime. The more immigration in an urbanized setting, the more violent crime occurs. Crime is socially constructed to be associated with large influxes of “outsiders” into the community. America has undergone unprecedented growth among its Hispanic ranks in the last thirty years. This has manifested especially in the Southwestern United States, the fastest growing region in the nation. Arizona, one of the fastest growing states of the last decade, has undergone an ethnic renaissance with the migration of hundreds of thousands of Hispanic immigrants. With this spike comes the fear that these immigrants, both legal and illegal, will increase the violent and property. This assumption was highlighted in controversial public policy initiatives and captures the concern of many Americans. This paper uses U.S. Census tracts, as well as uniform crime data from the Tucson Police Department, to analyze Hispanic immigration in Tucson, Arizona and examines the relation between increased recent immigration and the crime rate.
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