Graduate Project


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  • SpotFinder is the mobile frontend of a parking system that helps drivers find a parking spot on campus. (The backend piece of the parking system was developed by others in the lab as part of a previous project.) Finding parking can be viewed as both a search problem and a coordination problem. The search problem is finding parking lots with availability and then performing a sort-and-filter on the search results (e.g. given some cost function). The coordination problem is avoiding having two drivers try to park in the same spot. For example, if there are 5 drivers, but only 3 available spots in parking lot A and 2 available spots in parking lot B, then five people should not be directed towards the same parking lot. SpotFinder solves the search problem by computing the most suitable parking lot based on real-time availability and the user’s estimated time to reach the parking lot. The coordination problem is solved using a soft-reservation concept. Rather than a firm commitment, this approach temporarily holds a parking spot to ensure that two people are not directed to the same spot, improving the odds of securing a parking spot.
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