Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The Politics of Population : A Transnational Feminist Analysis of India’s National Population Policy of 2000

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  • The purpose of this study is to critically analyze whether India’s National Population Policy of 2000 represents a paradigm shift in terms of how the nation-state conceptualizes and address population growth through formal population policy. Analyzed through transnational feminist theory, this study employed political discourse analysis as the research method. Composed of the three levels of analysis, PDA focuses on the political and historical contexts in which political discourse is constructed, how these contexts impact the formal linguistic and discursive features of policy, and the impact of political discourse on social practice. The findings from this study found that the NPP does represent a paradigm shift, specifically in terms of the policy framework upon which India’s National Population Policy is premised. However, discourse and social analysis demonstrate that the focus of this policy continues to be economic development, meaning that while a paradigm shift has occurred, this shift has not necessary been for the betterment of India’s women and marginalized populations.
  • Keywords: population policy, transnational feminist theory, feminist policy analysis, family planning
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