Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Tethering and Biochar: Two Emergent Technologies with Implications for Fuels Treatments on Federal Forest Lands

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  • Two manuscripts are presented, each examining the potential impacts of emerging technologies on the economic feasibility of fuels reduction treatments on federal forest lands. Both manuscripts were prepared as part of the larger effort funded by the Institute for Working Forest Landscapes under the “Opportunities for biochar production to reduce forest wildfire hazard, sequester carbon, and increase agricultural productivity of dryland soils” project grant. The first manuscript describes the cost and productivity of a tethered cut-to-length harvesting system operating on a steep slope fuels reduction treatment on the Fremont-Winema National Forest, establishing estimated costs per hour, per tonne, and per thousand board feet. Those costs are compared to estimates of cable logging systems. A variety of potential cycle time model forms are presented and evaluated. The second manuscript explores the supply for and potential effects of biochar markets on the revenue generated from, and feasibility of, federal fuels reduction treatments. A suite of potential fuels reduction treatments is modeled for federally-owned forest land in the Upper Klamath basin using Forest Vegetation Simulator. The resulting outputs were used to optimize the modeled area for improvements to Composite Resistance Score under a variety of economic scenarios with a modified Great Deluge algorithm. Landscape level summary data is presented and discussed.
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