Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Process modeling the physician-patient encounter

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  • The objective of this research was to provide a definitive description of the processes within the physician-patient encounter in an office setting. This description would take the form of a formal process model of the encounter in a provider's office setting, as this represents the most common situation during patient encounters. These activities are highly varied and include everything from the act of diagnosing a patient to the transfer and update of records or other media. Developing a model that can accurately describe the various situations in these encounters was chosen as modeling is a highly effective way to address and analyze the issues involved. From this model, others could analyze these situations and discern from their analyses better solutions for improving the quality and practice of healthcare encounters. The methodology used in this research to describe and model the encounter was the IDEF0 modeling language. IDEF0 is a method designed to model the decisions, actions, and activities of an organization or system. Using this methodology, a clear picture of what happens during the healthcare encounter was revealed. Additionally, IDEF0 modeling allowed the display of the participants, tools, and procedures vital to the process, providing for consideration of virtually every element involved in the encounter. This complete description of the healthcare encounter allows one to identify areas in the process which may be improved, or to which information technologies could be applied. The model was verified and validated by subject matter experts and its utility demonstrated by applying it to the development of a subset of requirements for the Healthcare Toolkit, which is intended to combine the assessment abilities of common medical instruments with the mobility and technology of modern handheld devices.
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Peer Reviewed

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