Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Vocational agriculture competencies and sex-equity in Oregon

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  • There have been many changes in American society since the 1960's dealing with civil rights and the labor force. These areas, in turn, have influenced and been influenced by changes in education such as Title IX and Title II. The purpose of this study was to investigate the sex-equity characteristics of vocational agriculture competency attainment in Oregon. Detailed information about how male vocational agriculture students perceived their vocational agriculture competency level differently from female vocational agriculture students who shared the same vocational agriculture classroom, and information about compared male/female student perceptions of competency attainment with vocational agriculture instructor perceptions of competency attainment for each group was sought. One-hundred-eighty (180) Junior-level Agriculture III students gave a self-perceived competency rating on a scaled listing of 53 agricultural competencies; 17 vocational agriculture instructors gave a competency rating on the same competency list for males and females in their classes. Resulting data showed that a significant difference occurs in self-perceived male and female competency attainment in the Agricultural Mechanics taxonomy; instructors rated their male and female students significantly different in the same taxonomy.
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