Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Intrauterine migration of the porcine embryo

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  • The mechanism(s) involved with intrauterine migration of the porcine embryo was investigated. Twenty-four gilts on Days 6, 9 and 12 of gestation (Day 0 = 1st day of estrus) were utilized to examine the relationship between myometrial activity and intrauterine migration. On Day 2, embryos were flushed from one oviduct and transferred to the opposite oviduct. Myometrial contractility increased concomitant with embryo migration through the uterus (day x side interaction, P<.10). Uterine flushings contained a short-acting component that mimicked, in part, the stimulatory influence(s) of the porcine embryo on myometrial activity. Furthermore, only flushings from the uterine segment containing the Day 12 embryos could overcome the inhibitory effects of indomethacin (P<.01) on myometrial activity. The porcine embryo coincubated with myometrial strips could not directly stimulate myometrial activity. The role of estradio1-17β (E₂) and histamine in migration of the porcine embryo was examined. The involvement of E₂ in embryo migration was examined by observing the distribution of silastic beads impregnated with cholesterol (five gilts) or E₂ (five gilts) on Day 12 of the estrous cycle (after 5 days in utero). Beads impregnated with E₂ migrated further (P<.05) than those impregnated with cholesterol. Twenty additional gilts and sows were assigned to four groups (n = 5) and were used to determine if histamine was involved with intrauterine migration. Cromolyn sodium (an inhibitor of histamine release) treatment when administered on Day 6 restricted (P<.05) Day 10 embryos to the tip of the uterine horn but Day 12 embryos had gained the ability to overcome this restriction. Injection of histamine concomitantly with cromolyn sodium restored migration of Day 10 embryos. Day 5 and 7 porcine embryos recovered from 24 donors were compared for migration and survival ability in 16 nonpregnant Day 6 recipients. The percentage of Day 5 and 7 embryos surviving the transfer procedures (Day 11) did not differ. However, by midgestation (Day 60) more Day 7 (P<.001) than Day 5 embryos had survived. Migration of the embryos may be of importance because the distance between adjacent fetuses was significantly correlated with fetal weight (r = .47, P<.01).
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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