Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Out of the Mouths of Users : Examining User-Developer Feedback Loops Facilitated by App Stores

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  • Application Stores, such as the iTunes App Store, give developers access to their users’ complaints and requests in the form of application reviews. However, little is known about how developers are responding to application reviews. Without such knowledge developers, users, Application Stores, and researchers could make incorrect assumptions. To address this knowledge gap, in this study we focus on feedback loops, which are instances of application reviews where developers respond to a user concern. To conduct this study we use both supervised and unsupervised methods to auto- matically analyze a corpus of 1752 different applications from the iTunes App Store consisting of 30,875 release notes and 806,209 application reviews. Our research exam- ines the software changes propagated by developer-user interaction using Support Vector Machine classifiers and a semantic relatedness algorithm based upon release notes and user provided reviews. We found that 18.7% of the applications in our corpus contain instances of feedback loops. In these feedback loops we observed interesting behaviors. For example, (i) feedback loops with feature requests and login issues were twice as likely as general bugs to be fixed by developers, (ii) users who reviewed with an even tone were most likely to have their concerns addressed, and (iii) the proportion of reported bugs addressed by developers was static across all star ratings.
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