Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Searches for a General Transverse Polarization Mode of Gravity using Pulsar Timing Arrays

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  • Given the recent advancements in the field of pulsar timing pertaining to the detection of a stochastic gravitational wave background (GWB), it is now the perfect time to perform tests of gravity via exploration of the correlation signature between the timing data of pairs of pulsars induced by the polarization modes of a GWB. In this work, I present the statistical and the theoretical tools required to perform successful tests of gravity by probing the polarization content of a GWB. Additionally, I take advantage of the simulated PTA data sets to set the expectation for the present and the future of the sensitivity of PTAs to the detection of a GWB with scalar and tensor transverse polarization modes of gravity. The simulations paint a positive picture for the near future of the PTAs in which if the underlying spacetime theory is a variation of a scalar-tensor theory, we should soon be able to observe signs of its presence. If the existence of such modified theory of gravity is in fact inferred, its implications for the future of physics cannot be overstated.
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Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Ongoing Research
Embargo date range
  • 2023-07-08 to 2024-02-08



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