Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Preliminary Assessment of Driver Parking Decisions From A Heavy Vehicle Driving Simulator To Inform Curb Management Decisions

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  • As e-commerce and urban deliveries spike, there is an increasing demand for curbside loading/unloading space. However, commercial vehicle drivers face numerous challenges while navigating dense urban road networks. Previous literature on the topic of how commercial vehicle drivers make choices about when and where to park is scarce, and data from those available studies usually comes from field studies where limited situations can be observed, without experimental controls, and an absence of known driver characteristics. Therefore, this study used a heavy vehicle driving simulator to examine the behavior of commercial vehicle drivers under various parking and delivery situations. An experiment with fourteen participants was conducted using the OSU Heavy Vehicle Driving Simulator to study curbside parking behavior in 24 virtual scenarios. Time-space measurements were used to study participants’ speed. It was determined that speed selection was affected by the environment, however, there was no difference in average speed between 2 lanes and 4 lanes roadways. Analysis of participant eye-movements revealed that participants looked at passenger vehicles less on 4 lanes roads than 2 lanes roads. Galvanic Skin Response measurements were used to evaluate participant stress levels. When the road has a bike lane, drivers felt more stress than on roadways without a bike lane. The pre-post survey showed that drivers may choose illegal parking when performing a short-term delivery and no legal parking space is available. These results provide valuable insight for city planners and transportation engineers to consider when designing the commercial vehicle loading zone (CVLZ) for curbside parking.
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Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Intellectual Property (patent, etc.)
Embargo date range
  • 2022-08-18 to 2023-03-19



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