Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A study of attitude and teaching performance of degree and non-degree teachers in industrial education

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  • Purpose of the Study The study was designed to determine whether the amount of formal education industrial education teachers have completed does affect their (1) attitude toward teaching and (2) performance in the classroom. The specific questions formulated to investigate this research were: 1. Will the amount of formal education a teacher has completed affect his attitude toward teaching? 2. Will the amount of formal education a teacher has completed affect his classroom performance? 3. Is there a relationship between a teacher's attitude toward teaching and his performance in the classroom based on the amount of formal education he has completed? The purpose of this study was to determine if teachers with differing amount of formal education have a varying attitude toward teaching and whether this affects their teaching performance. The major significance of the study was to investigate whether students taught by non-degree persons are receiving equivalent instruction as compared with those being taught by instructors with a degree. Procedure The selected population of 228 industrial instructors participating in the study were from Oregon's community colleges, secondary schools and skill centers. One hundred forty-nine instructors completed and returned instruments resulting in a 65% return. A total of 140 returns were complete and usable in the study. The selected variable population groups of instructors were persons having completed 25 or less quarter hours of professional preparation (Ia), those having completed more than 25 quarter hours but less than a baccalaureate degree (Ib), and those who have completed a baccalaureate degree or more (II). Each of the participating instructors was self-examined with the Vocational Industrial Teacher Attitude Scale (VITAS) to determine his attitude toward his teaching responsibilities. The teachers' classroom performance was student assessed using a questionnaire with questions designed for this purpose. Instructors responded individually to the 72 items on the VITAS. Each instructor engaged one of his classes to rate his performance. From these ratings, ten responses were randomly selected for scoring. Analysis of Data The analysis of variance was used to analyze the statistical significance of the hypotheses concerning instructors' attitude toward teaching and performance in the classroom. The Pearson-product moment correlation was run to determine if there was correlation between attitudes toward teaching and rated teaching performance. Selected Findings 1. The results of this study indicated there was no difference in attitude toward teaching among the experimental groups. According to the VITAS scores in this study, a baccalaureate degree does not indicate a substantially different or more positive attitude toward teaching industrial education. 2. Based on student assessment of teaching performance, nondegree Oregon industrial education instructors received better ratings than the instructors possessing a baccalaureate degree (p < .10). 3. Industrial education instructors having completed more than 24 hours formal preparation but less than a baccalaureate degree had a higher correlation of attitudes toward teaching compared with teaching performance than the two other experimental groups. The other groups had very low correlation. 4. This study has produced evidence that Oregon industrial education students taught by non-degree instructors are generally not receiving inferior instruction compared with those being taught by teachers with a baccalaureate degree.
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