Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

“The System is F*cked. Everything needs to Change:” A Queer Feminist Pro-Sex Work Analysis of the Digital Age

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  • “The system is fucked. Everything needs to change” was stated by Ashley Paige, a professional dominatrix and author in We Too: Essays on Sex Work and Survival, at a book launch event. Paige’s sentiments are poignant and a call to action to all of us. Through this thesis, I will outline some of the ways in which the current system fails sex workers. The main focus being the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) and the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (SESTA) which were combined and signed into law in 2018 as FOSTA/SESTA. FOSTA/SESTA is unique in its violence against the vast majority of people who trade sex in many different situations and contexts. FOSTA/SESTA expanded and continues to expand this violence into the digital realms of the sex trade. This thesis will not only analyze this but also layout the ways that sex workers are being displaced from digital spaces in the form of digital gentrification. This will be done through a queer feminist pro-sex work lens that is informed by the Women of Color Feminist methodology of embodied knowledges. Through linking a patchwork collection of narratives and sentiments shared by sex workers in published pieces, this thesis centers and uplifts the voices of those most knowledgeable on the subject of erotic laborers’ rights.
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Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Pending Publication
Embargo date range
  • 2021-06-19 to 2023-07-20



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