Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effect of medium, fertilizer rates and transplant methods on the growth of young apple trees

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  • This study compared leaf mold, bark, automobile waste and the combination of half leaf on the top and half bark on the bottom as growing media for young apple nursery stock. Although the chemical and physical analysis of leaf mold was superior to the bark, trees in leaf mold showed no difference from bark in all growth parameters. The analysis included total shoot growth, total shoot number, final trunk diameter and total plant weight. For the low, medium and high fertilizer rates, only total plant weight showed a significant difference between low fertilizer rate and the other two. All other growth parameters showed no difference. For root distribution at the medium fertilizer rate, leaf mold showed a significantly higher total root number than other media. Trees in leaf mold had significantly more root numbers in the upper 12.5 cm of medium. Considering its lower cost, leaf mold is the best growth medium for young apple nursery stock. Trees transplanted with medium made significantly more growth than trees transplanted with bare roots.
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