Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Double exposure

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  • DOUBLE EXPOSURE is a novel concerned with the phenomenon of memory. The story explores such questions as: To what extent does "memory" (and the narratives we construct from it) explain who we are? How is memory influenced by others-and does it matter if it is? Can a memory that is factually "false" be emotionally true? Ultimately, the novel aims to demonstrate that the past has its place, but only a relative (non-deterministic) place, in our present experience because it is subject to constant revision and reinterpretation. The story's main focus is a young woman who comes to believe that knowledge of her past-in particular the "recovery" of memories of suspected childhood sexual abuse-will lead her to freedom from her emotional distress. However, the narrative she begins to reconstruct is like a suit of armor: insulating but confining, more cumbersome as the stakes get higher particularly when she decides to sue her "perpetrator" (her stepfather), seeking legal and monetary justice for the damage she has suffered. Her legal quest becomes complicated, though, when other possible versions of her past begin to suggest themselves, and she begins to acknowledge that these alternate versions may be as "right" or "real" as the one that is the basis for her suit. What she "knows" thereby collapses, and her task then shifts from proving "who did what" to claiming her own power of self-determination. In the end, her dependence on external sources to define her identity (i.e. what the other characters think of her, how they treat her) gives way to her own sense of self.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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