Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Success in a clothing construction course and self esteem in a women's penal institution

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  • The purpose of this study was to examine self-perceived success as experienced in a learning environment, and its association with self esteem. The relationships between pretreatment-self esteem, posttreatment-self esteem, and perceived success experienced in a five-week clothing construction course were investigated. Measures of perceived sewing ability, perceived success, and course evaluation were developed by the writer. Rosenberg's Self Esteem Measure was used as the instrument to assess level of self esteem. Fourteen inmates in a state correctional center for women were the participants in the clothing construction course and 13 women were in the control group. Measures of self esteem and perceived sewing ability were administered prior to the course in clothing construction. All participants completed one or more garments during the five-week course. The self esteem measure was readministered at the end of the course, along with a course evaluation and perceived success measure. Analysis of the data, using the . 10 level of significance, indicated that there was a significant difference between self esteem scores before and after participation in the clothing construction course. The difference in scores can not be totally attributed to this experience; a similar increase in scores was found in the control group. There were no significant relationships found between perceived success, changes in self esteem, pretreatment-self esteem scores, and posttreatment-self esteem scores. This finding indicates that among this group of women no one factor is significant in predicting success. Self esteem scores were relatively high for course participants both before and after course participation; the self esteem scores for the control group ranged from low to high. Most subjects experienced a high degree of success in the clothing construction course. Setting attainable goals and objectives probably led to a high level of success. Factors most liked about the course were cited as being the learning experience and the finished product. The manner in which the course was taught, and the instructor, were also considered important. Lack of equipment and supplies was the factor most disliked about the course.
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