Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An analysis of the relationship between selected autobiographical data and the personality traits of high school basketball players

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  • The problem of this study was to determine the relationship between selected autobiographical data and the personality characteristics of high school basketball players. The Athletic Motivation Inventory (AMI) measured the personality traits of 150 high school basketball players. The Individual Data Questionnaire was used to identify background characteristics for comparison with the AMI trait scores. The AMI and the questionnaire were administered at 12 high schools in the metropolitan area of Portland, Oregon during the spring of 1974. Statistical significance was arbitrarily set at the .05 level of confidence, and the hypotheses for the study were formulated and tested by appropriate statistical methods. Simple linear regression analysis was used to test 14 hypotheses which stated that there were no significant trends in the relationship of the AMI scores and the autobiographical data. The remaining 13 hypotheses were tested by t-test to determine significant differences between the means of the trait scores for various populations within the study. Of the 27 null hypotheses, 23 were rejected when significant trends or differences were found on one or more of the 11 AMI traits. It was found that there were differences between black players and white players on three traits. Low social status subjects scored lower than middle and high status subjects on one trait. When races were compared at each status level, there were no differences among low status subjects. There was a difference on one trait at the middle status level and on one trait at the high status level. Because there were only two white subjects at the low status level and only one black at the high status level, those comparisons are probably based on insufficient numbers for proper statistical analysis. When players who lived with both natural parents were compared with those living with one natural parent or a relative, no differences were found. A third group made up of subjects living with one natural parent and a stepparent was found to score lower than each of the first two groups on a single trait. Subjects who were first-born children scored higher on one trait than later-born children. As family size increased, the subjects' scores tended to decrease on six traits. Scores tended to increase on one trait as the subjects' level of educational aspirations increased. There was a tendency for scores to increase on eight traits as the subjects' level of leadership attained in school organizations increased. As the subjects' attitude toward school grew more positive, scores tended to increase on six traits. The subjects' scores tended to increase on two traits and to decrease on one as their fathers' level of educational achievement increased. As the level of educational achievement of the mothers increased, the subjects' scores tended to increase on four traits. There was a tendency for scores to increase on three traits as the subjects' length of organized basketball experience increased. Subjects who were starters tended to score higher than substitutes on two traits. The subjects were divided into four groups according to the number and combination of sports in which they participated. In all six possible comparisons among the four groups, differences were found on one or more traits. No relationships were found between the AMI scores and the level of basketball honors achieved by the subjects. There were no relationships between the subjects' scores and the level of athletic achievement of their fathers. As the level of athletic achievement of the mothers increased, the subjects' scores tended to increase on four traits. Scores tended to increase on four traits as the subjects' level of athletic aspirations increased.
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