Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Determining the Influence of Nutrition and Temperature on the Growth and Development of Camassia spp.

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  • As a key historic component of prairies in the Pacific Northwest, Camassia spp. should play a role in the restoration of these ecosystems. To do so effectively, further study of Camassia spp. propagation is warranted. Thus, the growth, N uptake and allocation, and seasonal thermoperiodicity of Camassia spp. was examined. Camassia leichtlinii was found to grow and take up N in the spring following a cubic function. Nitrogen was allocated to the leaves and roots prior to the leaves reaching their mature size, and to the daughter bulb thereafter. These results suggest that the most efficient fertilization program may be to deliver N at a rate that follows a Gaussian function. Increasing soil N availability with spring fertilizer applications had only a small impact on the growth of C. leichtlinii, however it had a large impact on the N concentration and content of its leaves, roots, and daughter bulb. This suggests that Camassia spp. are luxury consumers of N. Increasing the duration of chilling applied to quiescent bulbs resulted in an increased probability of leaf emergence, decreased time between the cessation of chilling and leaf emergence, and faster leaf growth after leaf emergence for the species C. leichtlinii, C. quamash, and Toxicoscordion venenosum. Increasing the duration of the summer rest period (prior to applying chilling) resulted in increased a) daughter bulb and root dry weight at the cessation of chilling, b) growth rate of the leaves, and c) length of the leaves at leaf maturity. These results show that all three species respond to seasonal thermoperiodicity, and thus temperature manipulation may be a useful tool in their propagation.
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This research was funded by with money from the Oxbow Fellowship and the Ward K. Richardson Family Graduate Fellowship
Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Ongoing Research
Embargo date range
  • 2018-06-27 to 2020-07-28



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