Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Host responses of English sole (Parophrys vetulus) to infection by the monogenetic trematode Gyrodactylus stellatus

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  • The infection intensity of the monogenetic trematode Gyrodactyus stellatus on laboratory held English sole (Parophrys vetulus) appeared to be influenced by handling stress, substrate, and starvation. In bioassays testing G. stellatus survival times in mucus and serum collected from laboratory held sole at different times during trematode infection, trematode survival times were significantly reduced in serum and mucus samples collected from sole at the later, recovering stages of infection. Ouchterlony gel diffusion tests of rabbit antiserum against English sole serum diffused with English sole mucus samples showed that the mucus of Q. stellatus infected English sole contained factors antigenically similar to factors in English sole serum. These factors were not present in the mucus of uninfected sole. Precipitin bands in the gel diffusions tests appeared to be the strongest in mucus samples from sole at later, recovering stages of infection. The results of the serum and mucus bioassays and the Ouchterlony tests suggest the possible presence of resistance factors in both the serum and the mucus of English sole at later stages of trematode infection, and that these factors may result in recovery from the infection. The results also suggest that resistance factors in the mucus may originate from the serum. This study did not attempt to characterize these resistance factors.
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