Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The identification of competencies and criteria required of home economics teachers in clothing and textiles

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  • Purpose of the Study: The major concern of the study was to determine those factors in clothing and textiles, exclusive of clothing construction, which current home economics teachers felt were necessary for novice teachers to be proficient in. The objectives of the study were: 1. To evaluate, revise, and expand the competencies that have been identified by the Oregon State University Home Economics Education department for assessing a student's behavior in the subject matter area of clothing and textiles. 2. To develop criteria in the levels of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis and synthesis that would set a standard against which behavior can be judged. 3. To seek professional opinions from home economics educators currently in the field to determine the performance indicators which exemplify competencies necessary for future teachers. Procedures: A 99-item mail survey questionnaire was developed to collect data. The questionnaire was designed so that secondary home economics instructors could respond to the level of proficiency necessary for each criteria item in relation to their job. The responses were assigned using a Likert-type scale with values of five to one, indicating whether no, slight, moderate, considerable or complete proficiency was needed. A randomized sample of 129 Oregon secondary home economics instructors was selected to participate in the study. Ninety-five (74%) questionnaires were completed and returned, 92 were usable. The questionnaires were analyzed by using analysis of variance and factor analytic techniques. Selected Findings: The R-technique of factor analysis was used to identify common professional education competencies. A three-factor solution extracted 69 criteria items that had factor loadings of ±. 50 or higher. The three factors were identified as follows: 1. Factor (Topic) I: Processes and Design of Fabric and Fiber Construction. Two subfactors (competencies) were identified and named: Ia. The Participant Will Understand the Characteristics and Properties of Fiber and Fabric Construction. Ib. The Participant Will Evaluate the Elements of Design in Clothing Selection. 2. Factor (Topic) II: The Affects of Clothing and Textiles Industries and The Influence of Motives on Clothing Selection. Two subfactors (competencies) were identified and named: IIa. The Participant Will Recognize the Cultural, Physiological, Sociological, and Psychological Motives that Influence Clothing Selection. lib. The Participant Will Evaluate the Clothing and Textiles Industries and Their Affects on the Consumer. 3. Factor (Topic) III: Influences that Contribute to Family Clothing Decisions. Nine out of the ten highest mean ranked criteria items in the study clustered under Factor I. Nine of the ten lowest mean ranked criteria items clustered under Factor II. The highest mean ranked criteria item was recognize the importance of fabric selection when choosing a garment and the lowest mean ranked criteria item was explain the distribution process in textiles production. The Q-mode technique disclosed that secondary home economics instructors resembled each other with regard to the 99 criteria item questionnaire. Conclusions: Seven conclusions are presented based on the data; four selected conclusions are: 1. The three clusters of criteria items identified by this study represent meaningful groups that can be used as a base for identifying more explicitly clothing and textile subject matter necessary for a novice secondary home economics teacher. 2. The competencies and the criteria items provide a means to review offerings to further develop curriculum. 3. The application of factor analysis in the interpretation of data is a useful technique for identifying groupings from different criteria items for studying the subject matter needs of a novice home economics teacher. 4. The criteria items identified in this study provide a better understanding of subject matter needs of novice home economics teachers.
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