Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The relationship of some family background variables to college graduation

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  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships that were hypothesized to exist between the variables birth order, family size, and parents college attendance and the dependent variable, college graduation. The three general hypotheses tested were: 1. A positive relationship exists between a given position in birth order and college graduation. 2. An inverse relationship exists between a given family size and college graduation. 3. A positive relationship exists between a given status of parents' college attendance and college graduation. The 828 subjects were female freshmen who entered Oregon State University, fall term, 1963. Excluded from the study were all subjects who came from families of more than four siblings. Data for each subject were recorded from the official student personnel data cards. A series of chi-square tests of independence were performed in order to analyze the relationship between the family background variables and college graduation. Analysis of variance was also used in order to find out the main and interaction effects of the family background variables on college graduation. The following conclusions were made: 1. No relationship exists between birth order and college graduation. 2. An inverse relationship exists between family size and college graduation. 3. A positive relationship exists between a mother's college attendance and a child's graduation from college. 4. The possible relationship which may exist between a father's college attendance and a child's graduation from college is inconclusive. 5. Individually, there is no significant difference between the effects of a mother's and father's college attendance on a child's graduation from college. 6. A positive relationship exists between both parents' college attendance and a child's graduation from college. 7. Individually, a mother's college attendance has as much influence on a child's graduation from college as when college attendance by both parents is considered jointly. 8. When parents' education differs, each has equal influence on their child's propensity to graduate from college. 9. If one parent has attended college, there is a higher probability of a child graduating than if neither parent attended college. 10. Among students who came from families in which both parents attended college, no relationship exists between birth order and the student's graduation from college. 11. Among students who came from families in which neither parent attended college, no relationship exists between birth order and the student's college graduation. 12. Among students who came from families in which only the mother attended college, no relationship exists between birth order and the student's college graduation. 13. Among students who came from families in which only the father attended college, no relationship exists between birth order and the student's graduation from college. 14. Among students who came from families in which both parents attended college, no relationship exists between family size and the student's college graduation. 15. Among students who came from families in which neither parent attended college, no relationship exists between family size and the student's graduation from college. 16. Among students who came from families in which only the mother attended college, no relationship exists between family size and the student's college graduation. 17. Among students who came from families in which only the father attended college, no relationship exists between family size and the student's graduation from college.
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