Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A study of the Kingore Observation Inventory as a screening procedure for the identification of highly able second graders

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  • The purpose of this study was to determine if the inferences derived from the Kingore Observation Inventory as a screening device are sufficiently valid for the identification of potentially gifted youngsters. Differences in predicting the WISC-III Full Scale IQ scores and/or percentile ranks using the KOI were assessed. The value of screening procedures to identify potentially gifted youngsters is essential for accurate identification of gifted young students. The Kingore Observation Inventory is a screening procedure administered by educators within the classroom environment over a six-week period that furnishes a percentile rank of overall intellectual functioning. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition is a comprehensive assessment instrument of cognitive abilities that yields a standard score with a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15. The WISC-III is time consuming and is an expensive assessment instrument in terms of professional resources required for administration and interpretation. A less costly and more easily administered instrument that will effectively predict the intellectual functioning of youngsters would be an invaluable tool. As part of a comprehensive assessment procedure to identify young gifted children within a school district in Oregon the KOI was administered to all primary students. A stratified sample that consisted of 89 second grade children previously assessed with the KOI in the first grade were administered the WISC-III. These children varied in age from 6.5 to 8.7 years. The sample included of 42 females and 47 males, of whom 6 were Asian, 1 was Black, 2 were Hispanic, and 80 were Caucasian/Not Hispanic. A correlational analysis, logistic regression analysis, discriminant analysis, and t-tests for paired differences were performed using SAS programs (SAS Institute Inc., 1990), version 6.07. Evidence was shown for the effects of Age on KOI Percentile scores for the target population. The study findings provide clear evidence that the KOI is not an adequate screening tool for the identification of intellectual giftedness for primary-aged students in the school district. This may indicate use of the KOI is not an adequate screening device for other populations as well.
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