Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Method of characteristics and its application to blast waves in water and two-phase flow

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  • The theory of characteristics is discussed and its scope has been broadened by its application to the most general form of an unsteady, two-dimensional, compres sible, rotational, axial- symmetric fluid flow. Numerical procedure for solving such a problem is outlined. Several boundary conditions which are common in fluid flow problems are considered and for each case a numerical procedure is given. Stability of the numerical schemes is discussed. Two specific problems have come under focus. First, advancement of a two-dimensional shock wave in water is considered. The numerical integrating procedures by the method of characteristics for this case are developed with the aid of a coordinate transformation to the shock coordinates. Equations of state for water and the variation of speed of sound with pressure and temperature are given. Second, propagation of unsteady expansion waves in a two-phase flow is considered. The basic difference between mixtures of gas and fluid, and vapor and fluid is discussed. By non-dimensionalizing the set of equations a parameter has been obtained which influences the set of equations and thus the method of approach.
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