Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Temperature-effective periods during crossvein development in crossveinless-like strains of Drosophila melanogaster

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  • This investigation is concerned with the determination of the temperature-effective period (T.E.P.) for crossvein development at physiological temperatures using three isogenic crossveinlesslike (cvl) lines of Drosophila melanogaster. The method used to determine T.E.P. relies on temperature differences in phenotypes and on a program of transfers from one temperature to another at regular intervals during development. The T.E.P. in each cvl line occurs in the interval between one-eighth and one-quarter of pupal development. The onset of T.E.P. in each cvl line is fairly well determined. The end points are not obtained in some cases and are ambiguous in others. Therefore, the durations of the T.E.P.'s cannot be stated. One of the complications in defining T.E.P. is the "Switching effect", an effect on the phenotype due to transfer from one temperature to another. Though temperature, genotypic and sex differences in T.E.P. are evident in some cases, theoretical interpretation of their significances are limited by the several complications.
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