Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A study of the characteristics of oscillatory surface instabilities leading to droplet formation

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  • The characteristics of the free surface in an orifice driven by a periodic forcing function have been studied both theoretically and experimentally. In the theoretical study, two wall boundary condition cases were examined: 1) the radial velocity at the wall of the orifice is zero; and 2) the axial velocity at the wall of the orifice is zero. The result for both boundary conditions is a modal solution where the predicted surface shape as a function of orifice radius and frequency are Bessel functions. The modal frequencies and annular peak locations are also predicted, as a function of orifice radius, for both boundary condition cases. The modal frequencies and annular peak locations differ between the boundary condition cases. The experimental results show: i) the axial velocity boundary condition matches the general behavior of the surface at the wall better than the radial velocity boundary condition case; ii) that the surface shapes generated have the same characteristics as the Bessel function; and iii) near the centerline, the surface shape is well modeled by the Bessel function. The experimental results also show there is a significant shift downward of the observed modal frequencies from the predicted frequencies. A correlation was developed to predict the measured modal frequencies for the axial velocity boundary condition case based on the theoretical predicted frequencies.
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