Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The energetic response to handling stress in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)

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  • Various aspects of the energetic response to handling stress in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) were examined. Fish were subjected to four different handling stressors in a Blazka-style respirometer. Stressed fish had rates of oxygen consumption that were higher than controls. The magnitude of the increase ranged from 139 to 198% of the control value, and appeared roughly related to the severity of the stressor. The post-stress increase in oxygen consumption also appeared to vary seasonally, with less of a stress effect on respiration observed in the spring as compared to the fall. Elevation in oxygen consumption following stress was largely eliminated within 1 h post-stress, but metabolic rate may have remained slightly elevated for an additional 2 h. Plasma cortisol and lactate titers also increased significantly following handling stressors. Oxygen consumption was positively correlated with both plasma cortisol and lactate after a moderate stressor, but no correlation was found after more severe stressors. Whole body lactate concentration was significantly elevated following stress, reaching levels almost 500% higher than controls. By 5 h post-stress whole body lactate had returned to control levels. The mechanism of excess post-stress oxygen consumption remains unclear. Fish given exogenous cortisol did not experience an increase in oxygen consumption, so it is unlikely that cortisol alone has a major effect on metabolic rate. Similarities between the energetic responses to both stress and exercise suggest that the results of exercise physiology may provide a basis for understanding the energetic response to stress.
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