Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Destructive measuring instrument precision estimation

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  • Measuring instrument precision/repeatability is one variance component in a measurement system. Assessing measuring instrument precision is necessary to evaluate its capability for a particular application. Well-known approaches for assessing precision/repeatability rely on repeated measurements of items. However, a destructive measurement destroys measured items, so that repeated measurements are not possible. This research focuses on estimating measuring instrument precision for a destructive measurement instrument. The methodology is based on an assumed polynomial relationship between the squared means and the variance of the measured item/part dimension. A specific dimension of different part types (with different means) are independently measured by a single operator and measuring instrument, and the measurements are assumed to be normally distributed. Additionally, the repeatability is assumed constant. Formulas for repeatability estimation, the variance of the estimator, and confidence intervals are developed for a quadratic polynomial relationship. These formulas are derived under two scenarios. In the first scenario, part type means are assumed known and exact formulas are obtains. In the second scenario, part type means are estimated from measurements and approximate formulas are obtained. Confidence interval coverage evaluation is performed with Monte Carlo simulation to verify the known mean scenario, and to evaluate the accuracy of the estimated mean scenario. A general formula for higher order polynomial relationships is developed and evaluated for cubic and quartic relationships between true means squared and variance. The results indicate that the derived formulas give confidence interval coverage close to 95%.
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Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Pending Publication
Embargo date range
  • 2023-04-13 to 2024-05-14



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