Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Influence of geotextile permeability on stability of rubble shore protection structures

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  • The effect of geotextile permeability on the stability of rubble shore protection structures was investigated by conducting large-scale wave tank tests on a revetment. Pore pressure within the sandy gravel core of the revetment were measured in one phase of the experiment, and stability of armor units on the structure face were measured in a second phase. During application of waves to the test structure, mean pore pressures within the core, called "residual pore pressures," are observed to rise in a specific pattern which is relatively insensitive to geotextile permeability. The transinet pore pressure response pattern corresponds well to the qualitative pattern predicted by analytic models of pore pressure response in cohesionless soils below an ocean floor subjected to wave loading. Stability of armor units is observed to be independent of geotextile permeability. A qualitative descriptive model is proposed as a means of explaining the measured pore pressure response. The model combines atheorized pore pressure gradient due to an "average" circulating flow in the core superimposed on apattern of residual pore pressures generated as a response to cyclic shear stresses. Results of the experimental tests show that, for the condition tested, adecrease in geotextile permeability does not lead to a decrease in structure stability. Residual pore pressures are not greater and armor units are not observably less stable when a less permeable or impermeable geotextile is used.
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