Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Physical properties related to the service-ability of certain lining fabrics

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  • With the increased variety and use of lining fabrics, consumers have become concerned over choices for lining fabrics which have good serviceability properties. The major purpose of this study was to secure some information on the physical properties of lining fabrics to help consumers in the selection of lining fabrics which will give good serviceability. Eight lining fabrics made of one fiber--two fabrics each of cotton, rayon, acetate and polyester--were examined for their serviceability properties such as resistance to abrasion, breaking load and elongation of yarn and fabric, tearing strength, resistance to yarn slippage, dimensional stability and resistance to wrinkling. They were all white, plain weave, light-weight and commonly-sold lining fabrics. The experimental fabrics were analyzed for their basic characteristics such as fabric count, weight, thickness, twist and yarn number to find out the possible relationship which existed between these characteristics and the serviceability properties. Standard test methods of the American Society for Testing Materials and the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists were conducted under the standard atmospheric conditions. Analysis of variance and correlation coefficients were calculated for data obtained from all tests. Lining fabrics were ranked in terms of fiber content for each fabric performance test. Polyester showed great resistance to abrasion, high yarn and fabric breaking strength and little dimensional change. Rayon showed great resistance to tearing and good yarn and fabric breaking strength. Cotton had good resistance to abrasion and the least yarn slippage at the seams. Acetate consistently ranked the lowest in the majority of serviceability tests. Since linings with different fiber components did not always rank in the same order in all tests, it would be desirable for the consumer to determine what serviceability qualities she desires most.
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