Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Los Pioneros de Oregon: An Examination of the Loss and Revitalization of Tejano Cultural Identity

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  • Each year, numerous people attend cultural events in the United States, be they large celebrations such as New Orleans’ Mardi Gras or one of many numerous Cinco de Mayo festivals throughout the country or smaller, more specialized events. Many times, the cultural aspects take a backseat to profits, which leads to a more inclusive population of attendees. While such inclusiveness is often praised, one must question whether these events meant to celebrate a culture may fall victim to being thrown into the proverbial melting pot, thus abandoning their initial objectives and value. This study examines Los Pioneros de Oregon, a cultural heritage event that celebrates and preserves the experience of the Tejanos – Texans of Mexican descent – who migrated to Oregon. Los Pioneros continues to exist in the midst of many other, larger cultural events that have been become diversionary activities rather than means by which to celebrate a culture. The purpose of this study is to explore the loss and preservation of Tejano/a culture and share the lived experiences of Tejanos through interviews and “testimonios” (including my own testimonio as a member of this community). The research examines participants views of what it means to be a Tejano, the role of the Los Pioneros event in preserving and transmittng Tejano culture to future generations. This study provides insight to the experiences of the Tejano Community in the Pacific Northwest and affirms the value of revitalizing non-corporatized cultural events to prevent the loss of authentic cultural voices.
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