Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Factors that contribute to the effectiveness of online learning technology at Oregon State University

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  • With the rapid development of technology, online learning is increasing significantly and becoming a popular method of education for many universities and colleges around the world. Because of computers and the internet, most online learning today is interactive, and sometimes more interactive than the traditional classroom. Students can interact on equal ground, regardless of their race, gender, and appearance. Even without face-to-face teaching, it is now possible for rapid communication to take place between the teacher and the students using a variety of technological tools to enhance learning, such as conferencing tools, electronic mail, internet mailing lists, and newsgroups. Online education gives students a high level of responsibility for their learning. However, there are many issues that affect their successful completion of online courses. Some of these issues include work overload, lack of technological skills, and feelings of isolation. In addition, course design for effective online learning needs to be modified to fit the online format. Since there is no direct teacher-student contact, course expectations and outcomes must be clearly defined, and timely feedback must be provided. Well-trained online teachers often encourage critical thinking, problem solving, and the discussion of alternative points of view through a variety of available technologies. Because critical pedagogy emphasizes these elements, the researcher further investigated the theory of critical pedagogy as it applies to successful, webbased learning. Critical pedagogy theory emphasizes human factors and addresses many important educational issues, such as diversity, equality, gender, student empowerment, and positive student-teacher interactions. Therefore, the focus of this study was to determine effective factors of online learning, based on the theory of critical pedagogy and best practices for traditional and online teaching. From the literature review, seven criteria were established, including Instructional Design and Delivery, Student Learning Outcomes, Assessments, Student Empowerment, Social Presence, Critical Thinking Skills, and Alignment. Utilizing mixed evaluation methodology, these criteria of effectiveness were used to evaluate online courses at Oregon State University, College of Liberal Arts. In addition, this study examined whether students and teachers differ in their perceptions of online learning and whether or not significant relationships exist between these criteria. Finally, based on an analysis of the study results, the researcher explored elements of an effective online course derived from instructor perspectives, student perspectives, and researcher observations.
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