Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Power weight training applied to college females

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  • The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a power lifting weight training program on the dynamic strength, static strength and body composition of college females. Thirteen college females volunteered for the study. The subjects trained three days per week for a total of nine weeks which consisted of a two week preconditioning period followed by a seven week heavy resistance power lifting training period. Dynamic strength tests were administered at the beginning of the seven week training period, at two mid-training dates and at the end of the training period. Static strength and body composition were measured prior to the pre-conditioning period and at the end of the strength training period. The test data were statistically treated using a paired t-test, a Student's t-test for independent samples, one-way analysis of variance and Scheffe's test. The . 05 level of significance was selected for accepting or rejecting the null hypotheses. The results of the imposed training program revealed a significant increase in dynamic strength. Changes in static strength varied with the muscle group tested. Shoulder flexion strength increased significantly, but trunk flexion and knee extension strength did not appreciably change over the training period. Alterations in body composition also varied following the training program. Lean body mass did not increase significantly, whereas a slight, but significant increase was found in the body weight of the subjects. The results of this study have several implications towards physical training for females.
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