Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Validation of a Transient Coupled CFD-Reactor Physics Model: An Experimental Methodology to Quantify the Accuracy of CONSTELATION for the HENRI System

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  • The HENRI system was developed to narrow the pulse width of TREAT from 89 ms to below 60 ms with the goal of improving the test reactor's ability to simulate RIAs in LWRs by rapidly injecting helium-3, a strong neutron poison, into the core. A coupled model using the CFD code STAR-CCM+ and the reactor physics code Serpent 2, called CONSTELATION, was developed to investigate the physics of the helium-3 injection into TREAT. This study proposes an experimental methodology to quantify the accuracy of the coupled transient CFD-reactor physics model CONSTELATION. Physics were identified that are captured only in the coupled model. Experiments were then designed to measure the identified physics and the OSTR was selected to carry out the testing campaign. Modeling the experiments with the coupled model produced results that provide multiple phenomena that can be measured experimentally. Thus, the model can be compared to future experimental data and the accuracy can be quantified.
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