Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A study of values of educators in Oregon's correctional institutions

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  • The purpose of this study was to measure the relative prominence of the values -- theoretical, economic, political, aesthetic, social, and religious--among the four groups of institutional educators under the direction of the State of Oregon Corrections Division in the two adult and two juvenile facilities; namely, the Oregon State Penitentiary, the Oregon State Correctional Institution, MacLaren School for Boys, and Hillcrest School of Oregon. The 68 subjects were all full-time educators functioning as: academic teachers, vocational instructors, and those classified as "other", which included educational administrators, librarians, and recreational and physical educators. All were State certified personnel with varying amounts of education, experience, and age, including both men and women, but predominately men. Measurement was voluntary, and 68 (81.9%) of 83 educators responded, netting a response of 80.6% of the male personnel and 85.7% of the female. Measurement was determined by the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values, Third edition, 1960, and the principal groupings within the four staffs were completed by a predetermined categorization which included: 1) Assigned institution, 2) Educational assignment, 3) Employment status (full or part-time), 4) Sex, 5) Age, 6) Educational preparation, and 7) Educational experience. The study was designed to measure four institutional groups of correctional educators of unequal size to answer the following questions: 1. To what extent do the values appear in the total sample for all educational personnel within the four institutions? 2. To what extent are the values present in the combined staff within each of the four institutions? 3. When the four separate educational staffs are compared, does the presence of each value differ significantly? 4. To what extent are the values present for certain definable groups within the four institutions? 5. When the definable groups are compared, does the presence of each value differ significantly? Significant difference was tested at the .01 level of confidence by the use of t-tests. The analysis of Question 1 68 respondents were: revealed that the mean scores for all Scale 1. Theoretical = 41.7500 with SD 6.5223, Scale 2. Economic = 40.8971 with SD 8.4438, Scale 3. Aesthetic = 39.2647 with SD 8.5468, Scale 4. Social = 39.1324 with SD 7.7893, Scale 5. Political = 41.9412 with SD 6.7516, Scale 6. Religious = 36.6765 with SD 10.1756, with significant difference at the .01 level of confidence between Theoretical and Religious, Economic and Religious, and Political and Religious. The analysis of Questions 2 and 3 indicated, after 3n analysis of the institutional mean scores, that there were significant differences within institutional scoring on the six scales, but that no significant difference at the .01 level of confidence existed when comparing individual scales between one institutional staff and another. Questions 4 and 5 resulted in the application of t-tests, after the scales' means of the variables were identified, which revealed significant differences at the .01 level of confidence between groupings on Economic, Aesthetic, and Social when comparing academic and vocational educators; Aesthetic when comparing male and female personnel; Economic and Social when comparing educational preparation of less than a Bachelor's degree with a Bachelor's degree, but less than a Master's degree; Social when comparing educators whose teaching experience was less than one year with those with one, but less than five years; Social when comparing experience of less than one year with experience of five, but less than 10 years; and Social when comparing experience of less than one year with those with 10 years or more. Other differences found were not at the .01 level of confidence. It was concluded that some significant differences do exist between the institution faculties and among their educators, but more likenesses prevailed than did differences.
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