Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Relationships and Expectations for Educational Achievement of Foster Youth

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  • Youth in foster care often perform at lower levels academically than those not in foster care. Prior research on the nature of the relationships that affect former foster youth's educational path has been inconclusive. Though it is widely believed that positive relationships with faculty, staff and peers is beneficial for this group, further inquiry into the former foster youth's experience of relationships within the context of education could help to better facilitate improvements for this vulnerable population. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceived effect of relationships on former foster youth's post-secondary educational expectations. Seven community college students who were in foster care for at least two years and were enrolled in courses for credit at the community college were interviewed. The data was coded thematically and the interview was modified based on the emerging themes expressed in the interviews. From this analysis three themes emerged: (a) influential relationships are based on sense of connection; (b) compulsion to perform academic tasks was later identified as supportive to educational success; (c) relationships with those with academic knowledge were seen as beneficial. The major findings of this study were established through the framework of social learning theory and the existing literature relating to the topic. Three insights emerged from analysis of the interview transcripts: (a) Compulsion benefited former foster youth after enrolling in college when it provided a structure that was seen as achievable, provided the opportunity for connection with other students with similar background and experiences, and facilitated the navigation of bureaucratic systems; (b) influential relationships with former foster youth often began with the concurrence of the former foster youth being in a position of receptivity to the kindness of the partner in the relationship, and the partner in the relationship's recognition of need and willingness to commit above and beyond what would be called for by their position or connection to the former foster youth; (c) due to often difficult experiences, former foster youth had difficulty investing in others and receiving help from others, even those with the best of intentions, and this provided an opportunity for those who interacted with them to provide evidence contrary to their low expectations.
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Peer Reviewed



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