Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

SPICE modeling of ACTFEL devices and OLEDs

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  • The achievements of this thesis are the development of several models for the SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) simulation of alternating-current thin-film electroluminescent (ACTFEL) devices, organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs), and polymer light-emitting devices (PLEDs). First, an ACTFEL model based on the built-in HSPICE Fowler-Nordheim tunneling diode is developed, which accurately reproduces the electrical characteristics of an evaporated ZnS:Mn device with only two adjustable parameters. This model is then expanded to match experimental trends over varying maximum applied voltages. Next, a device physics-based ACTFEL model is developed for SPICE in which interface emission of electrons can occur via both pure tunneling or thermal emission and in which occupancy of the interfacial trap is considered. This model is then expanded through the inclusion of first one and then two sheets of charge at specified locations within the phosphor layer. These sheets of charge are used to model space charge creation through either field emission or trap-to-band impact ionization. Device-physics features, such as field- and occupancy-dependent trapping of electrons at each sheet of charge, are included in the SPICE model for the first time. With the inclusion of static space charge, the double-sheet charge model is shown to model evaporated ZnS:Mn ACTFEL devices very well without artificially suppressing the interface trap depth or varying the model parameters for different maximum applied voltages. The model displays transferred charge capacitance overshoot and other experimentally-observed trends. Next, a simple OLED model is developed which accurately accounts for the dc electrical behavior of these devices, and a method of modeling injection-limited behavior versus bulk-limited behavior is shown. Finally, a single-layer PLED SPICE model is developed, and a method for specifying the parameters is derived. The model accurately accounts for PLED dc I-V electrical behavior.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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