Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effects of flooding on peach, apple, quince and several pear species

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  • A series of experiments was designed to investigate differential flood-tolerance and the phenomenon of flood-induced stomatal closure of several fruit tree species. The first two experiments were conducted with potted plants submerged outdoors 5-10 cm above the soil line. Plant morphology, growth, leaf conductance (cL), and soil oxygen diffusion rate (ODR) were monitored. Differential waterlogging tolerance of major fruit tree rootstocks tested from high to low was as follows: Pyrus betulaefolia > Pyrus calleryana = Cydonia oblonga cv. Provence BA 29 > Pyrus communis (Bartlett seedling) > Pyrus communis cv. Old Home X Farmingdale 97 (OH X F 97) = Malus domestica cv. Mailing Merton 106 > Prunus persica (Halford or Lovell seedling). Grafting 'Bartlett' scions on the 4 major pear rootstocks listed above did affect plant performance in terms of growth and cL but did not alter overall survivability. Stomatal closure for each species was associated with a specific ODR. Limitations of cL as a screening tool are discussed in the thesis. Solution culture experiments conducted in the greenhouse revealed that anaerobic-induced stomatal closure was not a function of reduced leaf water potential but was related to a reduction in root hydraulic conductivity (Lp). Two lines of evidence suggest that increased root resistance to water flow was predominantly in the longitudinal and 10⁻⁴ not the radial direction. Firstly, 10 M abscisic acid (ABA) applied to intact OH X F 97 roots in solution culture enhanced Lp of plants previously exposed to aerobic but not anaerobic conditions. Secondly, excising feeder roots of anaerobically treated roots, thereby exposing xylem tissue directly to the nutrient solution, did not revive Lp to rates observed for intact aerobically treated roots. A basipetal progression of xylem plugging occurred with increasing duration of anaerobiosis. The promotion of volume flux (Jv) observed for aerobically treated OH X F 97 was studied. All 3 concentrations of ABA tested enhanced Jv within 10-20 minutes with the effect leveling off after 1% hours. Analysis of the xylem fluid revealed a slight change in osmotic potential and solute flux, far smaller than the driving force required to significantly alter Jv. It is concluded that only changes in Lp can account for this phenomenon.
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