Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Implications of selenium status for various metabolic and performance parameters in beef cattle

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  • Metabolic and performance parameters of beef calves were compared between Se supplemented (Se) and control (C) dam treatment groups from known Se deficient cattle. Four trials were conducted at three locations involving 50, 36, 25 and 39 experimental dam/calf pairs. Se supplementation was either two 30 gram oral boluses (90% iron, 10% elemental Se) or intramuscular injection of sodium selenite (.055 mg Se/kg BW) and vit. E (.75 IU/kg BW) given to dams prepartum. Se boluses (P<.01) and injections (P<.05) increased calf whole blood Se at birth and about 90 days of age, but levels were similar at weaning. Calf whole blood Se at 90 d increased with dam Se levels, however calves had greater amounts of Se than their dams when dams were below 0.05 ppm Se. Serum levels for calves at birth and about 90 d were determined for GOT, GPT, LDH, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, ureanitrogen, cholesterol, phosphorus, calcium, protein, albumin, immunoglobulins, and hemoglobin plus complete blood counts with differentials. Factors most consistently associated with Se treatment were GOT, GPT, LDH, total protein, albumin, hemoglobin, fibrinogen, and inorganic phosphorus. GOT, GPT, LDH, fibrinogen and hemoglobin were negatively related to Se levels. Total protein and albumin had a positive relationship with Se levels. Se treatment group calves had higher (P<.03) weight per day of age at weaning in one trial but not in two others. Gain at 90 d of age was similar for all treatments and trials. Regression models of WDA at 90 d using GOT, GPT, LDH, protein, albumin, hemoglobin, fibrinogen and phosphorus as variables had R² of .40-.88 and SE of .17-.40. Albumin (P<.02) and protein (P<.03) were more consistently significant in regressions than GOT, GPT or LDH. These trials demonstrate the difficulties with Se supplementation of beef cattle and the variable weight gain response. Se effects on protein and albumin serum levels and their significance on weight gain suggest possible important metabolic roles for Se in addition to its antioxidant relationship with GOT, GPT and LDH.
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