Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Treatment of June yellows and witches'-broom in strawberry with oxytetracycline

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  • Strawberry plants infected with June yellows and witches'-broom disease were grown in a mist chamber and treated with varying concentrations of oxytetracycline. Treatment with 50 ppm oxytetracycline produced phytotoxicity effects in strawberries infected with June yellows. However, treatment with 10 ppm oxytetracycline resulted in a significant (one percent level) increase in greenness of treated plants as compared to control plants. For strawberries infected with witches'-broom, leaf area measurements for plants treated with 50 ppm oxytetracycline were significantly (one percent level) greater than for controls, when measured seven weeks after treatment. Plants treated with 5 ppm oxytetracycline also had significantly larger (one percent level) leaf area measurements than control plants, when measured 14 weeks after treatment. Whenever measurements were made 16 to 22 weeks after treatment, no significant difference was observed between leaf areas of treated and control plants. Healthy Alpine strawberry plants showed significantly larger leaf area measurements for control plants, when compared to plants treated with 50 ppm and 10 ppm oxytetracycline. This was attributed to phytotoxicity effects of oxytetracycline on the strawberry plants. June yellows and witches'-broom in strawberry may have, in each case, etiologic agents, which share with known plant mycoplasma the property of sensitivity to tetracycline antibiotics. To the extent that this sensitivity is demonstrated, the data herein presented support the hypothesis that June yellows and witches'-broom are mycoplasma- 'induced diseases.
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