Honors College Thesis

Educating Veterinarians in Oregon and Surrounding States on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Foulbrood Diseases in Honeybee Hives

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  • Honeybees are essential for agriculture and to sustain an ecosystem. There are two main types of bacterial diseases that affect honeybee colonies and brood: American Foulbrood and European Foulbrood. Both bacterial diseases can be treated with antibiotics approved for use in honeybees, however American Foulbrood is spore forming and cannot be cured. Use of antibiotics requires a veterinary-client-patient relationship, so veterinarians must write veterinary feed directives (VFDs). Fewer than 1% of veterinarians have received education to diagnose honeybee brood diseases and/or write VFDs. The purpose of this thesis research was: (1) to provide formal training to veterinarians on honeybee brood diseases and how to write VFDs; and then (2) survey veterinarians to determine the efficacy of the training. The survey completion rate was 77.4% (24/31). About 45% of the respondents said they have previously issued a VFD, but only half of those have ever issued a VFD for a beekeeper. Most of the respondents (78%, 18/23) said they would write a VFD for a beekeeper after receiving the training. With the conclusion of this study, there are now eighteen more veterinarians in Oregon who will assess a honeybee brood and write the appropriate VFD for a beekeeper.
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Commencement Year
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Peer Reviewed



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