Honors College Thesis

Surface Modifications for Greater Cycle Life and Energy Density in Lithium-Ion Batteries

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  • Significant challenges remain before lithium-ion batteries can support the decarbonization of the transportation and power sectors required to avert catastrophic climate change. The energy density of these batteries must be increased, while decreasing the price, and maintaining or increasing their lifespan. To improve the practical energy density of existing materials, more lithium must be extracted from the cathode upon charge. However, this additional lithium extraction requires an increased charging voltage and shortens battery cycling life. Previous theoretical work has predicted that complex oxides such as Li2SrSiO4 have promise as cathode coatings to extend cycle life under high voltage (e.g., 4.5 V versus lithium metal) operation. In this work, a dual sol-gel coating of Li2SrSiO4 and Al2O3 at the optimal thickness on LiCoO2 has been shown to allow for charging to a greater cut-off voltage of 4.5V to access a greater gravimetric capacity of ~185 mAh/g. This greater stability at high cut-off voltages persists through high-rate cycling and maintains a good cycling life. Meanwhile, Li2SrSiO4 on its own failed to allow for stable cycling of LiCoO2 at a higher voltage. The mechanism by which this coating scheme works was probed with several X-ray characterizations including X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and X-ray fluorescence and ptychography imaging to gather insight for work on even more effective ceramic cathode coatings in the future.
  • Key Words: Battery, Cathode, Lithium-ion, Surface Characterization, Electrochemistry
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