Technical Report

Survey of the Beneficial and Pest Insect Fauna from Integrated Production and Non-Integrated Production Vineyards in the Willamette Region

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  • The wine grape industry is rapidly growing in Oregon. By the year 2005, we could predict that Oregon will have over 10,000 acres in wine grape production. At a meeting last year, the Grapevine Improvement Committee acknowledged that little was known about the presence of potential pest and beneficial insects in Oregon vineyards. For instance, if there were a threat of Pierce's Disease, would any of the known vectors be present in or near our vineyards. Washington and California, with their contiguous acres of vineyards, have noted infestations of leafhoppers, mealy bugs, cutworms, and aphids. As vineyard plantings expand in Oregon, there is a greater possibility that some indigenous insects that are presently minor pests may become major pests in the future. In Western North America the piercing-sucking insects, i.e. phylloxera, leafhoppers, mealy bugs, and sharpshooters, are the greatest insect threat to vineyard production. With the rapid growth of the wine grape industry there is also an increase likelihood that non-native pest species will become established. Although Oregon has had little in the way of economic injury from insects on wine grapes, a number of insect species are present in the vineyard. We know little about the composition of this fauna. Additionally, there are no recommended methods for growers to monitor the insects in their vineyard. The objectives of this research are: 1. Describe and compare the beneficial insect fauna and piercing-sucking insects that are present in and near IP and non-IP vineyards in the Willamette valley. 2. Evaluate the ability of commercially available sticky traps, of sweep netting and d-vacuum. methods to monitor harmful and beneficial insects in the vineyard. 3. Evaluate if height of sticky traps in the vineyard influences the type and quantity of insect species caught.
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