Technical Report

Promising practices and considerations for RCRV outreach and education

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  • In 2013, NSF selected OSU as the lead institution to oversee the design and construction of three new Regional Class Research Vessels (RCRVs), a new class of research ship designed with advanced capabilities for next generation, interdisciplinary, oceanographic operations. The new RCRVs will increase efficiency and the ability to address stakeholder needs, as they are equipped with advanced technology, such as datapresence capabilities. Simply described, datapresence is a way to communicate data from the ship to the shore. Datapresence will involve the creation of a public data-portal and subsequent outreach and education (O&E) materials and strategies that allow people to access, interpret, and use this data. The datapresence capabilities also provide a unique opportunity to foster equitable collaboration between researchers, teachers and students in order to situate them with the skills they need to support both ocean research and data literacy; critical skills in today’s data-saturated world, where the public has ever-increasing access to data. The overarching O&E goal of the RCRVs is to improve science, the sharing and use of ocean science data between scientists and others, and to facilitate ocean science education and workforce development. Research was conducted to determine the best way to reach this goal. This report shares highlights from this research and lays out the commitment of time and other resources needed to create and implement O&E that is effective (in that it improves understanding and brings together scientists, educators, and students in the pursuit of a more data-literate society) AND inclusive (in that it recognizes that O&E needs to be culturally responsive and employ strategies that engage diverse audiences).
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  • This research was supported by the National Science Foundation, grant number OCE-1748726.
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