Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

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  • This project examines the rulers of late medieval Castile, Enrique IV and Isabel I, and the controversies surrounding their reigns. The paper begins with an examination of Isabel’s youth and education prior to her life at Enrique’s court. From there the troubles in Enrique’s reign are detailed beginning with discontented nobility and ending with rumors of impotence and sodomy. The turmoil in both of Enrique’s marriages is examined, as are the controversial claims of illegitimacy surrounding the birth of his daughter, Princess Juana. These claims originate from Enrique’s alleged acts of sodomy and impotence and from his queen’s notorious adultery. Next, the authors who wrote about Enrique and the sources they used are examined, as is the historiography of these works. That is, where these works fit within the realm of historical research. This project then reviews both authors and scientists who sought to find a reason for Enrique’s risqué behavior and his alleged homosexuality. Multiple authors made posthumous diagnoses of Enrique’s medical condition, and these are examined in detail. These claims of impotence and homosexuality are further investigated in terms of how Isabel herself used and perpetuated these rumors in order to prove herself, and not Princess Juana, legitimate heir to the throne of Castile. This includes a look at the biased work, Cronica de Enrique IV, which details Enrique’s failures as a man and as a king. From there, Isabel and Enrique’s Toros de Guisando Pact is examined, in which Enrique named Isabel and not Princess Juana as heir to the throne. Both parties failed to uphold their terms of the pact, which ultimately resulted in Isabel’s marriage to Ferdinand of Aragon. The relationship and power struggle between the newlywed couple is also detailed. Isabel’s coronation as Queen of Castile is next examined as are the struggles she faced in reconciling her sexuality as a woman with her role as sovereign. The displays of sexuality during Isabel’s reign are also researched in depth from her royal coat of arms to her bearing of children. This leads to a review of the successes of Isabel’s reign of Castile, from religious reform to military victory. Lastly, the scope of these issues of sexuality is broadened to reveal that people throughout this region faced the same problems on a smaller scale. Finally, this research project concludes with the impact Isabel’s reign had on the future of Spain and of the world.
  • Keywords: Enrique IV of Castile, Ferdinand of Aragon, Castile, Isabel I of Castile, Sexuality
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