Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

Towards a deep pluralism in an emerging polity : immigration and integration in France and the European Union

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  • The issue of immigration is at the forefront of all national policy discussions in the industrialized world. In recent years, the globalization of communication, international travel and job opportunities has rekindled this historically long and complex debate. This text attempts to explore the inadequacies of immigration policy and practice in the nation of France and the emerging polity of the European Union. The EU member states face an unprecedented challenge of balancing national and supranational institutions to create an effective immigration policy. However, in order to understand the current debate, we will explore some of the roots of the current wave of immigration and the effects of national and European policies on immigrant communities. This text will show that the policies of the French government have been ineffective in integrating immigrant communities into the greater nation. This trend repeats itself throughout the EU and will only be resolved through a supranational effort to promote deep pluralism in the emerging European civil society. In particular, it is instructive to examine the group who garners the most media attention in strongly Christian France and Western Europe: the rising population of immigrants of Muslim descent. Information has been gathered from a variety of sources including academic texts, government laws, political party decrees, and media sources. As Europe transitions to a 25-member Union with multiple ethnicities, religions, and nationalities, this debate requires careful reconsideration so that the European experiment can create plural and egalitarian melting-pot.
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