Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

Towards Molybdenum Disulfide Exciton-Polaritons in Metallic Microcavities

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  • Exciton-polaritons are a form of light-matter coupling that have potential applications as photonic transistors and logic gates. In order for a photonic transistor or logic gate to be integrated with room temperature fiber-optic technology, excitons-polaritons need to be stable at room temperature and compatible with the red and near-infrared wavelengths used in fiber-optics communication. Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) offer a promising route to realizing stable, room temperature exciton-polaritons that are compatible with fiber-optic technology. In our experiments, we have followed the steps of other researchers towards realizing TMD exciton-polaritons. Specifically, we characterized the photoluminescence of monolayer TMD molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), built an optical microcavity that was tuned to the molybdenum disulfide emission, and transferred monolayer MoS2 from its growth substrate to a target substrate. We found the MoS2 exciton emission to be 1.82 eV, while the cavity mode for transverse electric polarized light could be tuned from 1.52 eV to 1.97 eV by changing the angle of light incident upon the cavity. The next steps in this experiment would be to transfer monolayer MoS2 into a microcavity and see if polaritonic behavior can be observed. If there is evidence of exciton-polariton formation, then we could work towards realizing polaritonic devices such as optical transistors and logic gates.
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