Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

Anenome Presentation, Xavier G.pptx

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  • A. Elegantissima is not well understood, there is still much we don’t know about the anemone. What we do know is that they live in aggregations, where they divide the labor as mothers and warriors. The anemones have feeding tentacles and acrorhagi, the latter are attacking tentacles. Mothers are found in the center of the aggregation having more gonads than warriors, and warriors are found in the edges of the aggregation having more acrorhagi than the reproducers. The anemones will be evaluated on their relative competitive abilities in a tournament. The number of gametes and acrorhagi will be measured on both, reproducers and warriors, to see if there is a physical difference between the two. After the tournament, stress will be put on reproducers to see if they show warrior characteristics. Results showed that labor class does not matter in fighting skill. It is size that determines the victor.
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