Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The experiences of Asian group leaders who are leading groups in Asia

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  • The purpose of this dissertation was to explore the experiences of Asian group leaders who were leading groups in Asia. This research was developed to address a need for exploratory research in the area of Asian group leaders' perceptions and experiences during the process of leading groups in Asia. Grounded theory procedures were utilized in this investigation. Six research participants from Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand participated in this research over a period of nine months. The interview data was coded and analyzed using grounded theory techniques. Results from this research described what Asian group leaders experienced in group work practice. The major findings of this research were themes related to awareness, basic self, reflective experimentation, and cultural system. These Asian group leaders used their awareness of groups and individuals, their resources, their core beliefs, and their understanding of the cultural system as the basic materials for the reflective experimentation process. Reflective experimentation was the process of starting and continuing to conduct groups, while at the same time attempting to develop interventions which were appropriate for their group members. They overcame the challenges to their group work practice through their motivations and inspirations. They also transferred their knowledge and experiences from training in the West to practice in Asia. The results of the reflective experimentation process resulted in both personal and professional growth and the development of culturally appropriate group interventions. Their growth and interventions concurrently impacted their awareness, their basic self, and their cultural system. Therefore, the process of reflective experimentation continued its influence as Asian group leaders continued working with groups.
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Peer Reviewed

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