Graduate Project

The use of low cost “iButton” Temperature Logger Arrays to Generate High Spatial Resolution Tidal Inundation Regime Data

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  • Loss of wetlands within Oregon has led to strong interest in restoring wetlands that once existed. Restoration practitioners are currently using knowledge they have gained from many years of working with wetlands to design and carry out restoration projects. There is much variability between tidal wetlands within coastal Oregon and a lack of reference data on least disturbed wetlands. Scrub-shrub, emergent, and spruce forested wetlands are the major types of tidal wetlands in Oregon that wetlands practitioners and landowners are working to restore. Within scrub-shrub, emergent, and spruce forested wetlands hydrology place a large roll in the characteristics of the wetland. Using Thermochron iButtons this study attempts to see if tidal inundation regimes can be determined based on temperature changes on the wetland surface. Using the iButton temperature data in conjunction with GPS derived elevations of the iButtons/wetland surface the tidal inundation patterns can be measured. The iButtons are low cost temperature sensors, which will make it easier and more affordable for watershed councils to be able to conduct this type of study with higher spatial resolution than tide gauges allow for. The information from this study will be put into a reference data base open to the public in the hope that it will be used to help design restoration projects and help determine success of the project when compared to reference data from a similar type of wetland.
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Peer Reviewed

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