Honors College Thesis

Selection of hotels: Is the sustainability of a building more important than its aesthetic appearance?

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  • This study explores the influence that the sustainability of hotels has on the choice of hotels. Because of recent concern about global warming and reducing energy consumption, many designers are planning sustainable buildings. But often attractiveness is sacrificed for the goal of making a building sustain in its environment. The hotel industry is a relatively recent entry in the sustainable movement. In the present study, a survey was conducted about how participants select hotels. The results of the study indicate that whereas initially subjects were inclined to select a hotel based on its appearance, they were willing to change their selection to a sustainable hotel once they learned that it was sustainable [Green Building Materials 74% (n=20), Housing Policy 79% (n=30), and Merchandising 78% (n=15)]. The majority of the subjects initially selected an attractive hotel [female subjects 62% (n=34) and male subjects 81% (n=25)]. Yet once the sustainability of each hotel was disclosed, the attractive, non-sustainable hotel became less popular. Both appearance and sustainability of hotels have an impact on the choice of hotels. Thus both features must be incorporated in design of buildings-- more specifically, hotels. For sustainable buildings, performance is emphasized, but aesthetics indirectly contributes to the building‘s overall sustainability too.
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Peer Reviewed



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